Watch your temper, the Universe is just trying to Bless You!

So many swords | So many conversations

Rolled the dice and the dice told me Aries in the 8th house ! This Christmas season or even heading into the new year, protect your energy & watch your resistance to change ! Now is the time to handle your business with straight forwardness, yes, but remember to keep an open mind ! We have a new world emerging, however the only thing that can get in our way is ourselves ! Moving forward I want us to ask ourselves these questions. How can we get the ball rolling on pushing your purpose to it's ultimate potential ? What methods can you start implementing in order to get the results you want to achieve ? How can you start reacting different to change ? Do you choose the path of least resistance or do you choose the path of stubbornness & stagnancy ? Read On ↓

Merry Christmas !

The World
4 OF SWORDS Reversed
2 PF CUPS Reversed
Zodiac Dice: Aries in 8th House

Remember in order to transform, you must surrender to the Divine.