What That Magic Reflection Do ?

Full Gemini - cOLD Moon Reading

Knight of Wands - Reversed

Page of Wands - Reversed

9 of Pentacles - Reversed

10 of Wands

Queen of Wands

Slow down ! This Sagittarius Season always has everyone moving all over the place at once ! However, if Sag could give you a word of advice, it would be DON'T MISS, and strategy is your best friend ! Let's aim towards focusing on our target by practicing our craft, our speech, our perception and most importantly our Resumé! Take some time to go into Hermit mode to recalibrate and plan out 2022 !


We feel misguided right now & a bit off when it comes to accomplishing our goals! We may even feel caged at our jobs or towards whatever may be financially providing for us or vise versa ! It's time to say goodbye to over-exerting ourselves for those who don't do the same for us ! Ask for that raise, speak your truth after weighing out your options, gain that confidence by reminding yourself of who tf you are ! You have accomplished so much ! With years under your belt, or even if you are just starting the next few months and years look promising ! Make sure to keep yourself motivated with willpower, expanding your knowledge through learning, practicing your craft, patience, and most importantly keeping an adaptable, open mind !

You are rising into your power, and honestly they are mad! But they have no right to try to take your crown ! They have not seen how hard you have worked ! So accept and embrace what is rightfully YOURS !

Read ON ⤵

Last full moon of the year ! | wINTER sOLSTICE pRE-gAME

Bruh, this year has been such a chaotic mess & we are still trying to find ground here at Planet 7ven. Word around the universe block is.. there is an Air Trine bringing in some magical fairy dust. Between Jupiter in Aquarius △ (trining), Mars in Libra, and now with this magician Gemini moon in place vengeance shall be ours! Because 2020 & 2021 let's just say.. annoyance, but I mean pressure makes diamonds sooo. However, this Full Moon is also centered around self-reflection and personal expansion within ourselves first and foremost but also, within our personal connections. Whether that be, family, friends, business partners, our significant other, and associates. According to Nylon, "The full moon in Gemini on December 18 is fully in the clear from eclipse season, making it an ideal time to invest in the daily practices which imbue your life with meaning, keep you embodied, and help direct you to your highest values." I mean what more can you ask for when it comes to finishing the year out with a bang ?

I mean we deserve it right ?!? Let's chat about how you can bring this lucky energy into your lifestyle, space, and home.

Because the moon is all about feminine power, and Gemini is all about the Intellect, Connections, and Creativity. Tune into your mental health including your chakras. There has been so many transitions happening within the collective and humanity as a whole. To avoid an overload, build a list of things that cloud your mind. Whether that be goals, relationships, personal doubts &/or sabotage, and even conversations that have went wrong. Right your wrongs, delete that post, talk to that person, check in with self, and accomplish goals off that list. If you have conversations with others who don't see eye to eye with you, really weigh out your options with decisiveness and cut those ties ! We don't need to bring trash into the new year ! Whatever tower moment (series of events happening suddenly and with chaos ending with a blessing in disguise) happens, ALLOW the trash to be taken out ! This is your moment of elevation.

What is genuinely holding you back ?

Clear your mind & space ! And allow this surplus of Trineluck to BLESS you as this Lucky Trine leaves presents in everyone's stocking for the New Year !

Ayo Bless - 7ven